Teen's Missionary School in Zhmerynka, Vinnytsia region
Our team is so encouraged by how powerfully God moved among these young people! We want to thank you from the bottom of our hearts for your generosity, support, prayers and financial contribution for this missionary school. Even though you weren't present, you were part of what God was doing there!
We can't help but share how God worked.
The morning of the first day began with a seminar “what is missions?” and “who is a missionary?” In the end we prayed and fully surrendered our lives to Jesus. Later that day we had an evangelism seminar, where our leadership team prayed for teenagers who felt God was calling them to dedicate their lives to preachingthe gospel.
In the evening we prayed for the baptism of the Holy Spirit, where God baptized many young people. At the end of the service, we felt to pray one more time for those who haven't received Holy Spirit yet - and God baptized them!
Our second day started with teenagers sharing their testimonies of how God was working in their hearts. This day was full of seminars and workshops where they could try and learn something new.
In the evening session we talked about forgiveness. One of our youngest leaders, Dasha, who just turned 17, shared her testimony how she allowed Jesus to lead her through a process of forgiveness. Afterwards, she prayed with the teenagers this powerful and much needed prayer.

We all prayed together for Ukraine - for God to heal the brokenhearted, especially those who have lost loved ones.

On our last day in the morning we had a session on how to hear the voice of God. We do this in almost every missionary school we have. First, we wrote a letter to God, and then we asked Him to write a letter to us. Many teenagers shared their experience. They were touched by the fact that God wants to speak to us, He answers us and knows our hearts.
Next came the practical - the practice of preaching the gospel. We went to a nearby nursing home and the teens prepared a program for them. They gifted bracelets, shared their testimonies and shared words of encouragement.
We entered into every room, worshipped Jesus together and prayed for the elderly. They enjoyed this time so much that we spent more time there than we had planned. Our young missionaries were touched by presence of God and power of the gospel.
Our team is grateful from the bottom of our hearts for your help and prayers. What God was doing in front of our eyes in these teenagers confirms that this school was His dream.
Seeing how God healed and set these teens free was beautiful. These teens have seen the terror and tragedies of war with their own eyes, and it is evident in their families, but we believe God has all the power and resources to restore and heal nation of Ukraine! Thank you for believing with us!
May you see His restoration in your own life and family!
Do not despise these small beginnings, for the LORD rejoices to see the work begin.

Zechariah 4:10