Youth Revival
God is on the move! He is always ready to heal, set free and send us out! Let us share with you how last Teens Missionary School went!
The vision behind this three day event is to equip young people to serve Jesus from a place of knowing Him and out of the revelation of His finished work on the cross.
The theme for this school is usually "Here I am, send me".
After introducing youth to what is christianity (1st school in the Fall) and allowing God heal their hearts (2nd school in the Winter), the Spring school is focused on their mission, their assignment and calling here on earth - to build the Kingdom of God
and make Him known.

For the last part of the school, we went out to do a street outreach in the nearby villages.
It was a great real life experience, while leaders were preaching the gospel out loud, others preached one on one and were praying for people. Every one of the teens were so inspired and so bold!
Many of the teens were baptized in the Holy Spirit and began speaking in tongs, every teen practiced hearing the voice of God and many heard His voice! Next step is to invite these young world changers to serve with us at the summer camps and we are excited about this coming season!
Thank you for your constant support
Thank you for being a part of what we do here in Ukraine and Poland!
Because of you we are able to reach young people and disciple them.
We believe that you'll share same reward with us!

We bless you for sowing and believing even when you are not present here. Please continue to pray for our safety, wisdom and provision!
"Blessed are those who have not seen
and yet have believed."

John 20:29