Thank You = 3,785 Times

Because of your generous support we were able to reach 3,785 Children in Ukraine/Poland.

Kids Camp For Orphans in Ternopil
Some of our camp leaders are teens who came to our missionary schools earlier this year. Its beautiful to see them now serving the Lord after God transformed their lives.
In partnership with YWAM Ternopil we had a chance to bring the good news, the love and joy of the Lord to the kids in the orpahange in Ternopil region.
We were glad to use our skills and experience to minister to these kids who may have special needs and more attention, but at the same time God ministered to our hearts as we felt the love of our Heavenly Father while being there!

Ukraine - 2453 children through 27 camps
Poland - 1332 kids through 21 camps

This would never be possible without your support and partnerships. We are so thankful for each partner, church and volunteer that worked so hard this Summer 2023 to make this happen.

Thank you for partnering with us this season!
We know that true worship is the life layed down for the gospel.
We want to introduce you to Taras, he was serving with us fulltime here in Znamenivka, but now he is transitioning to the new season of his life, God is calling him to Kherson, to help with church planting there.
Some of our camp leaders are teens who came to our missionary schools earlier this year. Its beautiful to see them now serving the Lord after God transformed their lives.
His life was changed after he came to an intensive training for evangelists called FireCamp organized by CfaN. He made a decision to follow Jesus, sold his business and came to serve with us. His desire is to preach the gospel and plant churches, and the war couldn't stop God's work in Ukraine.

If you want to support Taras, you can do it here:
We continue to work with teenagers and kids, as well we support other churches in their work!
Teens clubs and kids clubs are one of our main focus, as we see the fruit of dicipling young people and helping them to grow into the men and women of God!
You can become a part of it by praying and sowing financially!
Thank you for your generosity and your "yes" to the Lord!
"But the hour is coming, and now is, when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth; for the Father is seeking such to worship Him.

1 John 3:1