Summer camps across Ukraine
Despite the ongoing war in Ukraine, the work of the Lord doesn't stop! Kids and teens receive Jesus and learn about the heart of God!

We already had 22 kids camps and
reached more than 2000 kids and teens!
Yesterday we finished camp in Bazaliya, Western Ukraine, where the local church works with the kids, but has no resources to have such a scale event. We are glad that our mission can support those who work with the kids long-term.
Last week we were able to havew a camp in Zaporizhzhia where 100 teens and kids attended the camp and got connected to the church.
Some of our camp leaders are teens who came to our missionary schools earlier this year. Its beautiful to see them now serving the Lord after God transformed their lives.
We are so grateful that during those 3 days when we were in the city it was quiet and no rockets hit the city, which is not normal.
Every week missiles hit Zaporizhzhia and civilians die.
We got a chance to minister at the youth camp in Vinnitsya.
Jesus is faithful and changing the lives of these young people!
Some of our camp leaders are teens who came to our missionary schools earlier this year. Its beautiful to see them now serving the Lord after God transformed their lives.
It was so good to witness our team of young missionaries to grow!
Some of our camp leaders are teens who came to our missionary schools earlier this year. Its beautiful to see them now serving the Lord after God transformed their lives.
We had a chance to minister at the Sunday Morning service in Vinnitsa! People run to the altar to receive Jesus!
We are grateful for long lasting friends in the Kingdom!
We had a chance to minister at the Sunday Morning service in Vinnitsa! Poeple cam to the altar to recieve Jesus!
We are grateful for long lasting friends in the Kingdom!
Some of our camp leaders are teens who came to our missionary schools earlier this year. Its beautiful to see them now serving the Lord after God transformed their lives.
We want to say BIG THANK YOU for partnering with us this summer to see His Kingdom come in Ukraine!
Every camp requires finances for the gas, food, supplies, crafts etc. We still have upcoming camps and the last this summer one ends on August 31st.
Would you partner with us to help reach more of young generation in Ukraine for our Jesus?
"The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few; therefore ask the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into his harvest."

Matthew 9:38