Strategic Training in Poland
This February our teams from Poland and Ukraine gathered together to be trained and equipped. For the sole purpose of running more effectively, that we could bring more fruit to the Kingdom!
This was a strategic time for our team to learn, grow, but mainly to organize and set up policies, procedures and job description that will help our ministry be structured in order to reach further!
Within the last two years, especially with the war in Ukraine, our ministry has grown. Now more than ever before we realize the need for structure in order to continue working effectively!
Our teams were so blessed to be trained by Nancy and Sharon from a worldwide mission organization "Go to Nations". We are so grateful that God cares for us and sends us amazing people who poured into us their wisdom and knowledge.
Communication, conflicts, structures, processes, spiritual gifts, team work - all these topics were part of the training.
Strategic prayer was an important topic that we studied and learned to practically implement. In addition to learning about strategic prayer, we asked the Lord to show us what are the cultural and spiritual strongholds that we are currently facing and need to come against. The Holy Spirit highlighted to us 28 strongholds that are in the Ukrainian nation that are hindering the real move of God.

So we pretty much developed a 28 Day Strategic Prayer Plan, praying against one stronghold a day. We have been praying against these strongholds for the past several months and we're sensing a shift in the spirit that is already taking place.

If you would like to partner with us in prayer and would like a downloadable copy the 28 Day Strategic Prayer Plan, PLEASE???
It was a beautiful time of empowerment. `We are so grateful to God and "Go to Nations" for this opportunity!
Help us continue to reach young people
In order to continue to reach children and teens we are in need of continual monthly financial support. We believe that the mission we are fulfilling is in the heart of our Heavenly Father, and there's nothing that the enemy can do to stop it!

We are SO GRATEFUL for your faithfulness and support, and we encourage you to continue be a part of God's work we are doing here.

Would you consider to sponsor a child's life and change the course of their destiny?
"For by wise counsel you will wage your own war, And in a multitude of counselors there is safety."

Proverbs 24:6