"Train up a child in the way that he should go; when he is old he will not depart from it."
Proverbs 22:6
Reaching the hearts of children and teens by introducing them to Christ and His love has been our focus throughout the years, and it hasn't changed even with the full scale war breaking out in Ukraine.
We know that the urgency is even greater now during the difficult times. People need to hear that there is hope, that there is a future and that they have destiny!
Together with you we are able reach kids across Ukraine and Poland. Currently, we support 11 weekly kids clubs. In the times of uncertainty, this is the one place where children experience peace, joy and hope. The Gospel is always the central message.
As we are approaching summer we are getting ready for camp season. This year we received many requests from various churches across Ukraine, asking us to help them organize kids camps. We are so grateful to be able to share the knowledge and experience we have in order to see the Kingdom of God expanding on a greater level.
This is Yarik. We shared his story about a year ago. His mom used to be an alcohol addict, Yarik and his brother were growing up by themselves. During one of our house visitations, our staff met the boys and connected with them and invited them to our kids club. One year later Yarik still attends kids club, his mom quit drinking alcohol and is now working. We are so happy to see him joyful as he is discovering his identity in Christ.
YOU ARE A PART of this testimony and this breakthrough in the life of Yarik. And this is just one story!
Help us continue to reach young people
In order to continue to reach these children and teens we are in need of continual monthly financial support. We believe that the mission we are fulfilling is in the heart of our Heavenly Father, and there's nothing that the enemy can do to stop it!

We are SO GRATEFUL for your faithfulness and support, and we encourage you to continue be a part of God's work we are doing here.

Would you consider to sponsor a child's life and change the course of their destiny?
"Train up a child in the way that he should go; when he is old he will not depart from it."

Proverbs 22:6