| Rough roads lead to beautiful destinations
| | | Our Ukrainian team just came from Karmelykove, Vinnitsa region. Rough roads lead to this beautiful place. This is a small village, we never heard of this name before we came here. | | | The last and the only kids camp was organised here 8 years ago. We were invited here last minute, since one of the camps got cancelled a week before the camp was supposed to be. | | | We see the hand of the Lord on these camps and we know we are where God wants us to be. 83 kids from nearby villages came during 3 days to hear the gospel for the first time. | | | Consisting of different kinds of workshops, sport games, lesson times, a jungle theme and exciting programs - these are our kids camps! And the children love it! | | | It is so beautiful to see them receiving Christ, they are so hungry and we are honoured to be here and do the work of the Lord in this area. Local government officials received us so well, they even cooked fish soup for all the kids and staff team. | | | TESTIMONIES
We want to share with you a story about a boy who came on the last day of the camp. He’s 12 years old and was very passive, he had no desire to participate in any of the activities. One of our volunteers talked with him, and then he opened up. His sister had recently passed away from cancer and that caused him to attempt to commit suicide. After a prayer, hug, and several talks, at the end of the camp he was so open and joyful. What a joy to see God touching lives and transforming them in such a short amount of time! Praise the Lord! | | | STORIES FROM POLAND
Also we had several kids camps in Poland this summer. Here is a testimony from one of them. | | | During the children's camp in Ostrowiec Świętokrzyski, we felt truly under God's protection. The schemes of the devil were powerful: we had a big storm against us that almost destroyed the equipment, spiritual attacks on the team and children tried to separate us, we almost had an accident on the road, and even the local witch doctors opposed us, but JESUS WAS STRONGER! | | | We saw the Lord's protection at every step. Despite all the obstacles, dozens of children heard the Gospel for the first time. They testify about how they experienced the love of Christ, who freed them from their fears. Teenagers made a decision to follow the Savior and develop a relationship with Him. | | | Another testimony was the spiritual development of those teenagers who came to Christ through the youth club in the city of Rzeszów and went to the camp as part of a team. They served as mentors for children and organise sports stations. They had a chance to share a testimonies of salvation their life. | | | Praise the Lord for His wonderful works! | We thank God and thank you that we can do it together! We thank you on behalf of all kids, who received Christ and had an amazing time during summer camps!
THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT | | | | | "Whatever you do, work heartily, as for the Lord and not for men, knowing that from the Lord you will receive the reward"
Colossians 3:23-24
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