Worship as a lifestyle
Something very precious took place at our base in Znamenivka - Worship School 2023! We believe God is raising His army of worshipers who will worship Him in spirith and truth.

Some of our camp leaders are teens who came to our missionary schools earlier this year. Its beautiful to see them now serving the Lord after God transformed their lives.
It was a 3 day school with seminars and a lot of practice, when we came just for one reason - to allow Holy Spirit to teach us how to worship Jesus!
Worship of our King Jesus as a lifestyle was our main theme.
We had amazing speakers teaching our team -
pastor, evangelist and worship leader Jussi Korvajarvi from Helsinki, Finland was one of them!
Some of our camp leaders are teens who came to our missionary schools earlier this year. Its beautiful to see them now serving the Lord after God transformed their lives.
Also it was so beautiful to see our own worship leaders Karen and Polina to teach what they've learned these last years.
One of the higlights was practical workshop where the new song was born! It's a beautiul song about our victory in Jesus and the joy of the Lord! You can listen to it below:
Some of our camp leaders are teens who came to our missionary schools earlier this year. Its beautiful to see them now serving the Lord after God transformed their lives.
God was marking His people, setting them free and calling them to surrended to Jesus even more!

Meet Polina and Karen Ginosyan - our young missionaries, worship leaders and newlyweds, who made a decision to worship the Lord with all of their lives!
We had a priviledge of investing into Polina's life since she was only 12 years old. It was so beauitiful to be with her along the way for these years and see her grow into the woman of God who loves the Lord with all of her heart.
Some of our camp leaders are teens who came to our missionary schools earlier this year. Its beautiful to see them now serving the Lord after God transformed their lives.
Karen attended one of our Teens Missionary Schools when he was just 17, where he made a decision to follow the Lord and God was leading him into his calling as a worshipper!
Some of our camp leaders are teens who came to our missionary schools earlier this year. Its beautiful to see them now serving the Lord after God transformed their lives.
We know that the Lord has called them to be a mother and a father for this generation and through their worship and leadership God will lead many into the pure worship of our King!
If you want to sow into the new family and the work they are doing here is the link to do it:
We continue to raise up kids and teens, as well as supporting other churches who has the same vision!
Teens clubs and kids clubs are one of our main focus, as we see the fruit of discipling young people and helping them to grow into the men and women of God!
You can become a part of it by praying and sowing financially!
Thank you for your generosity and your "yes" to the Lord!
"But the hour is coming, and now is, when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth; for the Father is seeking such to worship Him.

John 4:23