Alaska Medical Team
God created us all uniquely and gave us a variety of talents that we are able to use to serve God and serve others. Our guests from Alaska said yes to God's call and came to Ukraine to serve us with their gifts. They brought a variety of medicine and equipment to be able to provide medical and psychological support to the residents of Znamenivka and Golubovka.
Their first two days here, they hosted this clinic where we invited the locals and registered them for a doctos appointment. Some days went as long as 10 hours. They came to us with their medical needs and we did a free medical examination. Our doctors gave them vitamins, medicine, and gave other health recommendations. But most importantly, we listened to their stories, prayed for them and showed them who the real healer is.
We believe that at this moment, people received physical and also spiritual healing. God manifested himself as a healer and the one who takes care of his children, and that simply brings us so much joy! After serving two days in Znamenivka, our team of doctors went to another village called Golubivka.
We thank God for these people, that He was able to be glorified through this clinic. God calls his children to serve those who need him. It is an honor for us to be partners in his kingdom work.
On Sunday evening, we all went to Dnipro to preach the Gospel. We sang songs and shared testimonies. Many people stopped to find out what was happening and stayed with us until the evening. Some of us had one on one conversations with them and exchanged contacts. It was beautiful to see God at work! God ignited our hearts to preach the gospel.
Another part of our ministry is kids camp! Our camps have already begun and we are eagerly awaiting God to work miracles and transform lives. Our heart rejoices when we see that the dreams of our heavenly father are becoming reality.
Join us in the harvest this summer
We are so thankful for each one of you who is supporting us in prayer and finances! We invite you to join us in the harvest this summer in Ukraine - the harvest is plentiful and we are ready to work on the fields! Thank you and may God bless you with more than enough!
"My Father, who gave them to Me, is greater than all; and no one can snatch them out of my Father's hand..."
John 10:29.