Reaching the youngest generation this Christmas
Christmas is the best time to bring hope, good news and joy - this is what we are getting ready for during these last weeks!
Earlier this month our Solid Rock team hosted a teens' missionary school in Rzeszow. The theme of this school is "Healing of the heart".
Teens who are being discipled by our team went through topics including forgiveness, healing and freedom! We heard so many testimonies after this school - how their relationship with their parents improved, how they've learned how to hear God's voice.
We are honoured to pour into this new genearation of Jesus followers!
These weeks our teams in Poland and Ukraine are getting ready to go and reach kids with the gospel in both countries! We had many rehearsals, and we are ready to bring joy to those who need it!
Christmas is special time when hearts are open and expectant, so we will not miss this opportunity to go and preach the gospel!
There will be children who normally attend our Sunday School or kids' club, but there will also be many of them who do not attend one of those yet.
Of course we will bring gifts for the kids! We still need finances to cover all the expenses of this huge project!
Thank you for your support
We thank you for partnering with us already, and we invite you to become a part of the most special time of the year for these children! If you want to give towards gifts that hundreds of Ukrainian kids will receive this week, you can follow the link! May God bless you and your family, and may you receive the miracle He has for you!
"Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it."

Proverbs 22:6